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求购安捷伦 E8257D 模拟信号发生器




选件 保修时间 状态 是否计量
不保修 完好
成色 发货周期 所在地 数量
8成新 -- 深圳市 1
预算价格: 电议



E8257D PSG模拟信号发生器提供行业领先的输出功率,电平精度和相位噪声性能高达67 GHz(操作到70千兆赫)。E8257D PSG 高输出功率和卓越的电平精度通常无需外部放大器来测试高功率器件,并最大限度地减少测试不确定性,以便在设计过程的早期识别错误。世界一流的相位噪声性能非常适合本地振荡器、低抖动时钟替代和相邻通道选择性测试。在测试高级射频和微波雷达、通信和控制系统时,PSG 可提供您所需的性能。


定制 PSG 以满足您的需求 为当今的射频和微波测试应用定制 PSG,同时在未来随着需求的变化轻松升级。从各种可选增强功能中进行选择,为 E8257D PSG 配置从 LO 替代和失真测试到雷达测试和干扰信号生成等应用。




  • 广泛的频率范围 - 250 kHz 至 20、40、50 或 67 GHz(工作至 70 GHz),分辨率为 0.001 Hz
  • 高输出功率 - +23 dBm @ 20 GHz、+ 17dBm @ 40 GHz、+ 14 dBm @ 67 GHz 的典型性能,具有出色的电平精度
  • 世界一流的 SSB 相位噪声 - 10 kHz 载波偏移 10 kHz 时的典型性能为 -115 dBc/Hz
  • 灵活的模拟调制格式 - AM、FM、ØM 和脉冲
  •  双内部函数发生器 - 正弦、方波、三角波、斜波和噪声波形
  •  轻松扩展频率 - 使用 Oleson Microwave Labs (OML) 毫米波模块高达 325 GHz
  • 窄脉冲调制 - 典型的 8 ns 上升/下降时间和 20 ns 脉冲宽度从 10 MHz 到 67 GHz
  • 多种高速扫描模式 - 数字步进/列表扫描和模拟斜坡扫描,代码与 Agilent 8757D 标量网络分析仪兼容
  • 使用 PSA 系列频谱分析仪进行外部控制 ? 与具有外部源控制选项的任何 PSA 结合使用时,标量网络分析能力。
  • 向后兼容 - 与前几代 PSG 信号发生器相同的外形尺寸和 100% 代码兼容


E8257D 的选项:

  • E8257D-513 频率范围为 250 kHz 至 13 GHz
  • E8257D-520 频率范围从 250 kHz 到 20 GHz
  • E8257D-521 超高输出功率,频率范围为 10 MHz 至 20 GHz
  • E8257D-532 频率范围从 250 kHz 到 31.8 GHz
  • E8257D-540 频率范围为 250 kHz 至 40 GHz
  • E8257D-550 频率范围为 250 kHz 至 50 GHz
  • E8257D-567 频率范围从 250 kHz 到 67 GHz
  • E8257D-1ED N 型 (f) 射频输出连接器
  • E8257D-UNC 标准连接器,3.5 毫米
  • E8257D-UND 标准连接器,2.4 毫米
  • E8257D-UNE 标准连接器,1.85 毫米
  • E8257D-1EM 将所有前面板连接器移到后面板
  • E8257D-UNM 标准前后面板连接器配置
  • E8257D-1EU 高输出功率
  • E8257D-UN5 标准输出功率
  • E8257D-1E1 步进衰减器
  • E8257D-UNN 无步进衰减器
  • E8257D-HY2 增强型超低相位噪声 2 级
  • E8257D-UNP 标准光谱纯度
  • E8257D-UNX 超低相位噪声
  • E8257D-UNY 增强型超低相位噪声
  • E8257D-1SM 扫描调制
  • E8257D-UNG 无 AM、FM 和相位调制
  • E8257D-UNT AM、FM、相位调制和低频输出
  • E8257D-HNS 窄脉冲调制至 31.8 GHz
  • E8257D-UNF 无脉冲调制
  • E8257D-UNU 脉冲调制
  • E8257D-UNW 窄脉冲调制
  • E8257D-007 模拟斜坡扫描
  • E8257D-008 可移动闪存
  • E8257D-1EH 改善了 2 GHz 以下的谐波
  • E8257D-C09 将所有连接器移至后面板,RF 输出除外
  • E8257D-H10 用 100 MHz 外部参考输出取代 1 GHz 外部参考输出
  • E8257D-H1K 频率扩展 100 kHz(需要频率范围选项)
  • E8257D-H1S 在后面板上提供 1 GHz 输入和输出以提高相位噪声性能
  • E8257D-H5K 提供反向 EXT1 输入,输入阻抗为 5000 欧姆,而不是 600 欧姆
  • E8257D-HCC 在后面板上提供 250MHz - 10GHz 输入和输出
  • E8257D-HG 提供 Gigatronics GT8003 标量分析仪兼容性
  • E8257D-HL1 LF 输出切换到 RF 输出连接器



Product Description:

The E8257D PSG analog signal generator delivers industry-leading output power, level accuracy, and phase noise performance up to 67 GHz (operational to 70 GHz). The E8257D PSG high output power and superior level accuracy often eliminates the need of an external amplifier for testing high power devices and minimizes test uncertainty to identify errors early in the design process. The world-class phase noise performance is ideal for local oscillator, low jitter clock substitution and adjacent channel selectivity tests. When testing advanced RF & microwave radar, communications, and control systems, the PSG delivers the performance you demand.


Customize the PSG to meet your needs Tailor the PSG for the RF and microwave test applications of today while easily upgrading in the future as requirements change. Choose from a variety of optional enhancements to configure the E8257D PSG for applications ranging from LO substitution and distortion test to radar test and interference signal generation.



  • Broad frequency ranges - 250 kHz to 20, 40, 50 or 67 GHz (operational to 70 GHz) with .001 Hz resolution
  • High output power - typical performance of +23 dBm @ 20 GHz, + 17dBm @ 40 GHz, + 14 dBm @ 67 GHz with excellent level accuracy
  • World-class SSB phase noise - typical performance of -115 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset from 10 GHz carrier
  • Flexible analog modulation formats - AM, FM, ØM, and pulse
  •  Dual internal function generators - sine, square, triangular, ramp, and noise waveforms
  •  Easy frequency extension - up to 325 GHz with Oleson Microwave Labs (OML) mm-wave modules
  • Narrow pulse modulation - typical 8 ns rise/fall times and 20 ns pulse width from 10 MHz to 67 GHz
  • Multiple high rate sweep modes - digital step/list sweep and analog ramp sweep featuring code compatibility with the Agilent 8757D scalar network analyzer
  • External control using PSA Series spectrum analyzer ? scalar network analysis capability when combined with any PSA with external source control option.
  • Backwards compatible - same form factor and 100% code compatible with previous generations of PSG signal generators



Options for E8257D:

E8257D-513 Frequency range from 250 kHz to 13 GHz
E8257D-520 Frequency range from 250 kHz to 20 GHz
E8257D-521 Ultrahigh output power, frequency range from 10 MHz to 20 GHz
E8257D-532 Frequency range from 250 kHz to 31.8 GHz
E8257D-540 Frequency range from 250 kHz to 40 GHz
E8257D-550 Frequency range from 250 kHz to 50 GHz
E8257D-567 Frequency range from 250 kHz to 67 GHz
E8257D-1ED Type-N (f) RF output connector
E8257D-UNC Standard connector, 3.5 mm
E8257D-UND Standard connector, 2.4 mm
E8257D-UNE Standard connector, 1.85 mm
E8257D-1EM Moves all front panel connectors to the rear panel
E8257D-UNM Standard front and rear panel connector configuration
E8257D-1EU High output power
E8257D-UN5 Standard output power
E8257D-1E1 Step attenuator
E8257D-UNN No step attenuator
E8257D-HY2 Enhanced ultra low phase noise level 2
E8257D-UNP Standard spectral purity
E8257D-UNX Ultra-low phase noise
E8257D-UNY Enhanced ultra low phase noise
E8257D-1SM Scan modulation
E8257D-UNG No AM, FM, and phase modulation
E8257D-UNT AM, FM, phase modulation, and LF output
E8257D-HNS Narrow pulse modulation to 31.8 GHz
E8257D-UNF No pulse modulation
E8257D-UNU Pulse modulation
E8257D-UNW Narrow pulse modulation
E8257D-007 Analog ramp sweep
E8257D-008 Removable flash memory
E8257D-1EH Improved harmonics below 2 GHz
E8257D-C09 Moves all connectors to rear panel except for RF output
E8257D-H10 Replaces 1 GHz External Reference Output with 100 MHz External Reference Output
E8257D-H1K Frequency extension 100 kHz (Requires Frequency Range Option)
E8257D-H1S Provides 1 GHz in and out on rear panel to improve Phase Noise performance
E8257D-H5K Provides inverted EXT1 input with 5000-ohm input impedance instead of 600 ohms
E8257D-HCC Provides 250MHz - 10GHz In and Out on the rear panel
E8257D-HG Provides Gigatronics GT8003 scalar analyzer compatibility
E8257D-HL1 LF Out switched to RF ouput connector












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