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销售吉时利 2602 数字源表



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* 产品描述


吉时利 2602 数字源表可让您比以往更快、更轻松、更经济地进行精密直流、脉冲和低频交流源测量测试。Keithley 2602 通过结合以下组合,为 IV 功能测试提供了竞争产品的 2 到 4 倍的测试速度:

  • 吉时利的高速第三代源测量单元 (SMU) 设计
  • 嵌入式测试脚本处理器 (TSP™)
  • TSP-Link™,一种快速触发和单元间通信总线


Keithley 2602 在相同尺寸的外壳中包含两倍于 Model 2601 的源测量通道密度,因此您可以在非常小的机架空间内配置多通道系统。每个 40W、3A 通道都是电气隔离的,以确保高度的测量完整性和接线灵活性。Keithley 2602 将许多仪器打包成一个小包装,包括:

  • 精密电源
  • 真正的电流源
  • 51/2 位万用表
  • 具有测量功能的电压或电流脉冲发生器
  • 一种低频任意波形发生器
  • 一个电子负载
  • 触发控制器


Keithley 2602 的特性和规格包括:

  • TSP-Link 允许在主/从配置中连接多个 2600 系列仪器,从而实现无限的可扩展性
  • 板载测试脚本处理器处理和运行来自仪器的复杂序列 - 为您提供高达 10 倍的吞吐量
    • 允许为压敏电阻、二极管和 BJT/FET 等组件创建自定义测量功能,或基于算法的测试,如具有功率一致性、线性度和闩锁测试序列以及热响应测试的 IV 扫描。
  • 在 16MB 的非易失性存储器中存储多达 50,000 行 TSP 代码和超过 200,000 个读数。
  • 在每个通道上以 >10,000 个读数/秒同时测量 I 和 V。只需 200µs 即可在任何通道上执行完整的源测量周期
  • 使用高速自动量程功能确保可重复计时和高吞吐量。
  • GPIB、RS-232 和 14 位数字 I/O 接口端口是标准配置
  • 电流测量范围(每通道) 1pA 至 3A
  • 电流源范围(每通道)5pA 至 3A
  • 基本电流编程精度 0.03%
  • 基本电流测量精度 0.02%
  • 电压测量范围(每通道) 1µV 至 40V
  • 电压源范围(每通道)5µV 至 40V
  • 基本电压编程精度 0.02%
  • 基本电压测量精度 0.015%
  • 读取到内存 10,000/s
  • 扫描源更改和读取到内存 5,500/s
  • 扫描源更改和读取到 GPIB 3,600/s
  • GPIB 1,100/s 的现场读数
  • 点源更改和读取到 GPIB 880/s
  • 脉冲能力 200µs 最小源/测量脉冲


Product Overview

The Keithley 2602 SourceMeter lets you make precision DC, pulse, and low frequency AC source-measure tests faster, easier, and more economically than ever before. The Keithley 2602 offers two to four times the test speed of competitive products for I-V functional testing by combining:

  • Keithley’s high speed, third-generation Source-Measure Unit (SMU) design
  • An embedded Test Script Processor (TSP™)
  • TSP-Link™, a fast triggering and inter-unit communication bus


The Keithley 2602 packs twice the source-measure channel density of the Model 2601 in the same size enclosure, so you can configure multi-channel systems in very little rack space. Each 40W, 3A channel is electrically isolated to ensure high measurement integrity and wiring flexibility. The Keithley 2602 packs many instruments into a small package, including:

  • A precision power supply
  • A true current source
  • A 51/2-digit multimeter
  • A voltage or current pulse generator with measurement
  • A low frequency arbitrary waveform generator
  • An electronic load
  • A trigger controller


Features and Specifications of the Keithley 2602 include:

  • TSP-Link allows connection of multiple 2600 series instruments in a master/slave config allowing unlimited scalability
  • On-board Test Script Processor processes and runs complex sequences from the instrument - gives you up to 10X greater throughput
    • allows creation of custom measurement functions for components such as varistors, diodes and BJTs/FETs, or algorithm based tests like I-V sweeps with power compliance, linearity and latch-up test sequences, and thermal response tests.
  • Store up to 50,000 lines of TSP code and more than 200,000 readings in 16MB of nonvolatile memory.
  • Measure I and V simultaneously on each channel at >10,000 readings/s. Execute a full source-measure cycle on any channel in just 200µs
  • Ensure repeatable timing and high throughput with the high speed auto-ranging function.
  • GPIB, RS-232 and 14-bit digital I/O interface ports are standard
  • Current measure range (per channel) 1pA to 3A
  • Current source range (per channel) 5pA to 3A
  • Basic current programming accuracy 0.03%
  • Basic current measurement accuracy 0.02%
  • Voltage measure range (per channel) 1µV to 40V
  • Voltage source range (per channel) 5µV to 40V
  • Basic voltage programming accuracy 0.02%
  • Basic voltage measurement accuracy 0.015%
  • Readings to memory 10,000/s
  • Sweep source change and reading to memory 5,500/s
  • Sweep source change and reading to GPIB 3,600/s
  • Spot readings to GPIB 1,100/s
  • Spot source change and reading to GPIB 880/s
  • Pulse capability 200µs minimum source/measure pulse











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