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销售泰克 370B 晶体管图示仪



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* 产品描述

特征 & 优点

  • 高分辨率直流参数测量 370B(分辨率低至 1 pA 或 2 μV)
  • 高电压和电流 使用 371B 供电(高达 3,000 V 或 400 A)
  • 内置光标测量 - 点、窗口和功能线
  • Kelvin Sense 测量
  • 扫 测量模式
  • 波形比较和平均
  • 完全地 可 编程 序
  • 1.44 MB 软盘驱动器存储曲线的设置和位图
  • 直接 使用第三方打印机进行硬拷贝


  • 参数 半导体的表征
  • 故障分析
  • 数据 图纸生成
  • 制造测试
  • 过程监控和 质量管理
  • 进货检验
  • 组件匹配

370B 和 371B 可编程曲线追踪器

泰克曲线跟踪器提供动力 以及用于测试半导体器件直流特性的多功能性。这 370B 和 371B 曲线示踪器结合了简单易用的前面板数字采集 以及显示器和可编程性,以满足各种应用需求。

在 R&D 实验室,Tektronix 曲线追踪器用于表征 新设计、SPICE 参数提取、故障分析和数据表 代。在制造测试中,使用泰克曲线跟踪器进行验证 设备质量和过程监控。它们也用于进料检验 要验证设备性能,请执行故障分析并匹配组件。

这 高分辨率曲线追踪器的世界标准

370B 页。

这 370B 是高分辨率曲线追踪器的世界标准,可提供高达 20 A/2,000 V 供电能力,结合 1 pA 和 50 μV 测量 分辨率。370B 可对集成的 电路、晶体管、晶闸管、二极管、SCR、MOSFET、电光元件、 太阳能电池、固态继电器和其他半导体器件。它有按钮 源和测量配置,以便于从一个测试进行更改 到下一个。


371B 页。

这 371B 是高功率曲线跟踪器的行业领导者,可执行 DC 参数化 对包括晶闸管在内的各种功率半导体进行表征, SCR、IGBT 和功率 MOSFET。高压集电极模式允许测试 高达 3,000 伏特的设备的关断特性。脉冲大电流 集电极模式提供大于 400 A 峰值至 测试 On-Characteristics 并允许进行高达 3,000 瓦的高功率测试。 在扫描测量模式下,371B 会自动构建一个族 的曲线,同时用低占空比脉冲刺激设备。有了这个 功能,可以显示功率曲线而不会过度加热 装置。


交互式控制 的 370B 和 371B 测量都是从功能齐全的正面完成的 面板或 GPIB 上。每个操作参数都可以使用 GPIB 控制器。370B 和 371B 系列 LabView 驱动程序可从以下网址获得 Tektronix.com 网站。这些 驱动程序具有许多构建块来创建自定义测量解决方案。

商店 以及 Call Setups 和 Digitized Curves

多达 80 个数字化特征 曲线可以存储在软盘或内部非易失性存储器中,并且 只需按一下按钮即可召回。然后可以将实时曲线与 先前存储的曲线,用于评估温度漂移或其他变化 操作参数。为了帮助识别数据,最多 24 个字符的文本 可用于标记或注释曲线数据。

操作参数 可以使用多种存储方法进行调整、存储和调用,包括 370B 和 371B 系统内存、内置 1.44 MB 软驱或发送 通过 GPIB 控制器从外部传输。


370B 系列 和 371B 提供三种光标测量模式。点光标提供直接 在任何点显示电压、电流、gm 或 DC beta 的屏幕读数。窗口 光标可以定位在两条曲线之间,以测量小信号 beta 或 GM 的 GM 测试,也可用于视觉 go/no-go 测试。函数 line 光标 提供斜率或截距值的屏幕读数。

扫描测量 模式

在扫描测量模式下,曲线追踪器会自动 构造一系列曲线。371B 以低占空比实现了这一点 脉冲。借助此功能,可以显示功率曲线而不会过多 设备的加热。


曲线输出 数据可以直接从 370B 和 371B 发送到 Citizen iDP-3240Thermal 打印机。在 370B 和 371B 执行下一步任务时,可以继续打印。


Features & Benefits

  • High-resolution DC Parametric Measurements With the 370B (Resolution Down to 1 pA or 2 µV)
  • High Voltage and Current Sourcing With the 371B (Up to 3,000 V or 400 A)
  • Built-in Cursor Measurements - Dot, Window and Function Line
  • Kelvin Sense Measurements
  • Sweep Measurement Mode
  • Waveform Comparison and Averaging
  • Fully Programmable
  • 1.44 MB Floppy Drive Stores Setup and Bitmap of Curves
  • Direct Hardcopy with Third-party Printer


  • Parametric Characterization of Semiconductors
  • Failure Analysis
  • Data Sheet Generation
  • Manufacturing Test
  • Process Monitoring and Quality Control
  • Incoming Inspection
  • Component Matching

370B and 371B Programmable Curve Tracers

Tektronix curve tracers offer power and versatility to test the DC characteristics of semiconductor devices. The 370B and 371B curve tracers combine a simple-to-use front panel, digital acquisition and display, and programmability to serve a variety of application needs.

In the R&D lab, Tektronix curve tracers are used for characterization of new designs, extraction of SPICE parameters, failure analysis and data sheet generation. In manufacturing test, Tektronix curve tracers are used to verify device quality and process monitoring. They are also used for incoming inspection to verify device performance, perform failure analysis and match components.

The World Standard for High-resolution Curve Tracers


The 370B, the world standard for high-resolution curve tracers, provides up to 20 A/2,000 V sourcing capability combined with 1 pA and 50 µV measurement resolution. The 370B performs DC parametric characterization of integrated circuits, transistors, thyristors, diodes, SCRs, MOSFETs, electro-optic components, solar cells, solid-state relays and other semiconductor devices. It has pushbutton source and measurement configuration so it's easy to change from one test to the next.

The Industry Leader in High-power Curve Tracers


The 371B, the industry leader in high-power curve tracers, performs DC parametric characterization on a wide variety of power semiconductors including thyristors, SCRs, IGBTs and power MOSFETs. The high-voltage collector mode permits testing the Off-Characteristics of a device up to 3,000 volts. The pulsed high-current collector mode provides output current pulses greater than 400 amps peak to test On-Characteristics and permits high-power testing up to 3,000 watts. In the sweep measurement mode, the 371B automatically constructs a family of curves while stimulating the device with low-duty-cycle pulses. With this capability, power curves can be displayed without excessive heating of the device.

Interactive Programmable Control

Interactive control of all 370B and 371B measurements is accomplished from the full-featured front panel or over the GPIB. Every operating parameter can be controlled using the GPIB controller. 370B and 371B Series LabView drivers are available at the Tektronix.com web site. These drivers have many of the building blocks to create a custom measurement solution.

Store and Recall Setups and Digitized Curves

Up to 80 digitized characteristic curves can be stored on a diskette or in internal non-volatile memory and recalled at the touch of a button. A live curve can then be compared with a previously stored curve to assess temperature drift or other changes in operating parameters. To help identify the data, up to 24 characters of text may be used to label or annotate the curve data.

Operating parameters can be adjusted, stored and recalled using several storage methods including the 370B and 371B system memory, the built-in 1.44 MB floppy drive, or sent externally via the GPIB controller.

Automated Cursor

The 370B and 371B provide three cursor measurement modes. The dot cursor provides direct screen readout of voltage, current, gm or DC beta at any point. The window cursor can be positioned between two curves to measure small signal beta or gm and can also be used for visual go/no-go tests. The function line cursor provides screen readout of a slope or intercept value.

Sweep Measurement Mode

In the sweep measurement mode, the curve tracer automatically constructs a family of curves. The 371B achieves this with low duty-cycle pulses. With this capability, power curves can be displayed without excessive heating of the device.

Direct Hardcopy Printouts

Curve output data can be sent directly from the 370B and 371B to a Citizen iDP-3240thermal printer. Printing can continue while the 370B and 371B perform the next tasks.











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