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销售安捷伦 86122C 多波长计



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* 产品描述

新型  86122C 多波长计具有 ±0.2 ppm 绝对波长准确度和 ±0.15 ppm 差分波长准确度,是光通信测试的理想选择。 它具有 1270 至 1650 nm 的波长范围,覆盖了所有的光纤到户、市区和远距离传输系统。 这个多波长计每次可以测量多达 1,000 条激光线的频谱,足以支持满配置的密集波分复用系统(DWDM)。
新型 86122C 是久经证明的 86122A 和 86122B 的更新版本。 这款产品适用于为当前和未来的高速应用高效开发、制造和验证可调谐发射机激光源和光通信子系统。 由于具有出色的可靠性和耐用性,这款产品经常出现在生产车间和工程师的工作台上,也可以在船舶上使用。 根据业界当前使用的大多数波长计所提供的大量统计数据,我们不断改进仪器设计,力争降低拥有成本,延长使用寿命,特别是在 24x7 不间断测试中。我们已经将 86122C 的建议校准周期延长到两年,并让内置参考激光源的预期使用寿命增加了一倍。 这款新型多波长计享有 5 年保修期,覆盖参考激光源和所有的光机械和光电部件。 为了确保更持续的支持,86122C 采用了 Windows ® 7 操作系统。 前面板和后面板上的 USB 端口可连接 U 盘进行数据交换,也可连接鼠标和键盘实现更舒适的操作。
用于 86122C 多波长计的新款快速更新选件
我们的旗舰级型号―― 86122C――现在提供更快的更新速率。 新选件 86122C-110 将更新速率从每秒 2 次提升到每秒 3 次。 测量周期从 0.5 秒缩短到 0.3 秒。 出于兼容性考虑,选件 86122C-100 的更新速率仍然保持在以前的水平。


  • 增强的稳定型氦氖(HeNe)参考激光源,生命周期增加一倍
  • 绝对波长准确度:±0.2 ppm
  • 差分波长准确度:± 0.15 ppm
  • 波长扫描时间 < 0.5 秒
  • 新功能特性:使用快速更新选件,波长扫描时间 < 0.3 秒
  • 86122C 经过优化,在不增加成本的情况下提供了多项产品增强功能特性、2 年推荐校准周期和 5 年标准保修等优点,因而显著降低了拥有成本并减少了停机时间。
  • 仅需 15 分钟预热,即可达到指定测量准确度。
  • 倾角连接器选件可以避免影响非隔离激光源。
  • 快速波形扫描覆盖整个 1270 – 1650 nm 范围,使您可以高效地表征可调谐发射机等光器件在不同波长下的性能。
  • 出色的波长准确度使您可以在密集的 WDM 系统中执行准确的信道表征,从而检测信道的波长偏移和相邻信道之间的串扰。
  • +10 dBm(+18 dBm 安全输入电平)的大输入功率使您无需使用额外的连接和仪器(例如衰减器)便可对发射机进行测试。
  • 内置应用软件可测量光信噪比、波长和功率漂移,让这款多波长计成为独立的智能测试站,既缩小了体积,又避免了开发成本高昂的测试程序。
  • 内置 HeNe 参考激光源保证您可以根据标准随时实时确定准确的绝对波长测量结果,并确保获得准确和可重现的实验结果。


Product Description:
With an absolute wavelength accuracy of ±0.2 ppm and ±0.15 ppm differential accuracy, the new  86122C Multi-Wavelength Meter belongs in the top class of wavelength meters available for optical communication testing. Its wavelength range of 1270 to 1650 nm covers all fiber-to-the-home, metro and long-haul transmission systems. The instrument can measure the spectra of up to 1,000 laser lines at once, which is more than sufficient for fully populated dense-wavelength-division multiplexed systems (DWDM).
The new 86122C is an updated version of the proven 86122A and 86122B. The product is used to efficiently develop, manufacture and verify tunable transmitter lasers and optical subsystems for today's and tomorrow’s high-speed applications. For its reliability and durability, this product family is equally popular on the manufacturing floor and engineers’ benches, and it is robust enough to be installed on ships. Statistical data from a large share of the industry’s installed wavelength meters enables us to continuously fine-tune our instruments for lower cost of ownership and longer usage, particularly in 24/7 operated testing: we have extended the recommended recalibration period of the 86122C to two years, and doubled the expected lifetime of the built-in reference laser. The new Multi-Wavelength Meter comes with a five-year warranty that covers not only the reference laser, but all opto-mechanical and electronic parts. To ensure continued supportability, the 86122C is based on Windows ® 7. Front and rear panel accessible USB ports host USB flash drives for data exchange, mouse and keyboard for comfortable operation.
New Fast Update Option for the 86122C Multi-Wavelength Meter
Our flagship model, the  86122C, is now available with a faster update rate. The new option 86122C-110 accelerates the update rate from 2 per second to 3 per second. The measurement cycle time is reduced from 0.5 seconds to 0.3 seconds. For compatibility, the previous update rate is still available under option 86122C-100.
  • Enhanced, stabilized HeNe reference laser with double lifetime
  • Absolute wavelength accuracy: ±0.2 ppm
  • Differential wavelength accuracy: ± 0.15 ppm
  • Wavelength scan in less than 0.5 sec
  • NEW: Wavelength scan in less than 0.3 sec with fast update option
  • The 86122C has been optimized for lower cost of ownership and less downtime through the combination of product enhancements, 2-year recommended re-calibration period and 5-year standard warranty, all at no extra cost.
  • Just 15 minutes of warm-up time are sufficient for specified accuracy.
  • Angled-connector option is available to avoid influencing non-isolated sources.
  • Its fast wavelength scan covering the full 1270 – 1650 nm range allows you to efficiently characterize optical devices, such as tunable transmitters, versus wavelength.
  • The wavelength accuracy gives you the certainty of accurate channel characterization in dense WDM systems, to detect channel's wavelength shift and crosstalk between adjacent channels.
  • High input power level of +10 dBm (+18 dBm Safe input level) enables you to test transmitters without additional connections and instruments (e.g. attenuator).
  • The built-in applications for optical signal-to-noise ratio, wavelength and power drift allow smart stand-alone test stations, which reduces footprint requirements and costly test procedure development.
  • The built-in HeNe reference laser guarantees an accurate absolute wavelength measurement real-time determined against the standard anytime and ensures accurate and reproducible experimental results.











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