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销售福禄克 DTX-1800 网线光纤测试仪



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1-4天 3月 8成新
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深圳市 完好

* 产品描述

Fluke Networks 新推出的 DTX-1800CableAnalyzer 网线测试仪是您现在和将来的测试平台。这一远期保值型的革新性平台对测试过程的每个方面进行了改进,因此大幅缩短了总的认证时间。它的  Cat 6 自动测试比其他测试仪快三倍,而光纤测试甚至能快上  5 倍。除此之外, DTX 还为您贡献了一个完整的万兆铜缆和光纤测试解决方案,它提供了 IV 级精度、无与伦比的故障诊断功能、长达 12 小时的电池寿命以及迅速的设置方法和报告功能。有了DTX-1800,您可以信心百倍地面对现在和未来的诸多挑战。

福禄克Fluke DTX-1800 CableAnalyzer 网线测试仪能够在九秒内开始 Cat 6 自动测试。这意味您不仅满足TIA-568-C 和 ISO 11801:2002 认证要求,而且还能更快地收到结构化布线保证。除了快捷方便外,您还会得到高的准确度,因为 DTX-1800是唯一采用以下项目的测试仪:符合标准且以电气为中心的永久性链路测试适配器。此外,DTX-1800 完全遵照业界的 500 MHz 标准对 10 千兆电缆 性能和外部串扰(ANEXT 和 AFEXT)进行测量,因此是一项不可多得的、真正面向未来的投资。即使在使用中跨电源的情况下,AC Wiremap 也可验证以太网供电服务是否符合 TIA/EIA 标准。目前大约有超过 50,000 台投入使用,因此 DTX 电缆认证分析仪系列无疑是业界值得信赖的电缆认证设备。


  • 在 9 秒钟内完成 Cat 6 认证
  • 高级故障诊断 — 故障处理比平时快一倍
  • 快的设置和结果管理时间
  • 超越 IIIe 级和 IV 级的测试仪精度
  • UL 精确认证


  • 认证万兆性能。配合DTX万兆套件使用的福禄克FLuke DTX-1800可以确保万兆网络和外部串扰(ANEXT 和  AFEXT)的性能,与500MHz 的业界标准完全兼容。
  • 从现在开始提高工作效率。直观的界面使您的技术人员无需过多的培训即可胜任更多的测试工作。
  • 在9秒钟内完成认证。这种前所未有的Cat 6测试速度可以让您在链路之间的切换速度比以前的测试仪快三倍。
  • IV 级精度。在短的时间内获得精确的测试结果。
  • 900 MHz 频率范围 。 让您轻松应对未来的应用,例如万兆以太网、F类布线和 CATV。
  • 诊断方式先进,省时省力。能够精确确定故障点,是目前唯 一一个能够提出纠正措施建议的测试仪,节约了故障排除时间。
  • 史无前例的光纤认证速度。利用 DTX单模和多模光纤模块在12秒钟内认证一对光纤。
  • 电池12 小时使用无间断。使您完成任何工作都游刃有余。
  • 节省管理结果的时间。 从设置到报告,LinkWare电缆测试管理软件的简洁用户界面和节约时间的功能可以帮助您提高工作效率 。


Product Description:
Fluke Networks' new DTX-1800CableAnalyzer Network Cable tester is your testing platform for now and for the future. This forward-protected innovative platform improves every aspect of the testing process, thereby dramatically reducing the total certification time. Its Cat 6 automated test is three times faster than other testers, and fiber-optic tests are five times faster. In addition, DTX provides you with a complete 10-gigabit copper cable and fiber test solution that delivers Class IV accuracy, unmatched fault diagnosis capabilities, up to 12 hours of battery life, and quick setup methods and reporting capabilities. With the DTX-1800, you can face the many challenges of the present and future with confidence.
The Fluke DTX-1800 CableAnalyzer Network Cable tester is capable of starting automatic Cat 6 testing in nine seconds. This means that you not only meet TIA-568-C and ISO 1181:2002 certification requirements, but also receive structured wiring guarantees faster. In addition to being quick and convenient, you'll also get high accuracy because the DTX-1800 is the only tester that uses a standard, electrically-centered, permanent link test adapter. In addition, the DTX-1800 measures 10 gigabit cable performance and external crosstalk (ANEXT and AFEXT) in full compliance with the industry's 500 MHz standard, making it a rare, truly future-proof investment. AC Wiremap verifies that Power over Ethernet services comply with TIA/EIA standards even when they are in use across power supplies. With over 50,000 units currently in use, the DTX Cable Certification Analyzer family is undoubtedly the industry's trusted cable certification equipment.
  • Complete Cat 6 certification in 9 seconds
  • Advanced Troubleshooting - Troubleshooting twice as fast as usual
  • Fast setup and result management time
  • Exceeding test accuracy of Class IIIe and Class IV
  • UL precision certification
  • Certified 10 gigabit performance. The FLuke DTX-1800, used with the DTX 10-gigabit suite, ensures 10-gigabit network and external crosser (ANEXT and AFEXT) performance, and is fully compatible with the industry standard at 500MHz.
  • Work more efficiently from now on. The intuitive interface enables your technicians to perform more tests without much training.
  • Complete the authentication in 9 seconds. This unprecedented Cat 6 test speed lets you switch between links up to three times faster than previous testers.
  • Class IV accuracy. Accurate test results can be obtained in a short time.
  • 900 MHz frequency range. Make it easy for you to handle future applications, such as ten Gigabit Ethernet, Class F cabling, and CATV.
  • Advanced diagnostic methods save time and effort. It can accurately determine the fault point, and is the only tester that can propose corrective measures at present, saving the time of troubleshooting.
  • Unprecedented speed of fiber optic authentication. Certifies a pair of fibers in 12 seconds using DTX single mode and multi-mode fiber modules.
  • Battery is used for 12 hours without interruption. So that you can complete any task with ease.
  • Save time in managing results. From setup to reporting, LinkWare cable test management software's clean user interface and time-saving features can help you be more productive.











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